As Dedepark Hotel, we are pleased to welcome our guests with our modern design and superior service understanding, located in the heart of Eskişehir. We invite you to an unforgettable accommodation experience with our comfortable rooms, rich breakfast and central location!
Check-in | 2:00 PM |
Check-out | 12:00 PM |
Booking cancellation |
The cancellation policy may vary depending on the accommodation package and booking type. For example, flexible packages may provide a free cancellation right, while special promotions or non-refundable packages may require cancellation before a certain period of time. It is important for guests to check their booking details and find out the cancellation conditions. |
The cancellation policy may vary depending on the accommodation package and booking type. For example, flexible packages may provide a free cancellation right, while special promotions or non-refundable packages may require cancellation before a certain period of time. It is important for guests to check their booking details and find out the cancellation conditions.